Thursday, January 3, 2013

Google Algorithm Update Affect Search

As with various companies, Google resembling to name its algorithm updates. This is anywhere our friends Panda and Penguin come in. While the names suggest incredible cute and cuddly, these updates are something but. The objective of any algorithm update is to help get the end user good information that competition their needs.

The main goal of Panda is to punish sites with low quality contented such as thin and duplicate content. Penguin is more focused on a site’s overall reliability and is aimed at punishing spam sites, such as ones with abnormal inbound relations.

Panda and Penguin have continuous description, and Google updates the algorithm 500 times to 600 times a year. You can observe a catalog of updates by year on SEOmoz.

You may have received a caution from Google Webmaster Tools. If you traditional the caution underneath, then you may have been hit by Penguin. Investigate your traffic and impersonation in Google Analytics as well as Google Webmaster Tools. If you see a plunge on any of the chief update days, you may have been hit.

If your site was providential to not be punch by the major Google algorithm updates, then your next shift should be to make sure you take extra steps to make sure it doesn’t occur in the prospect. Below are some key things you can do to evidence your site beside Panda and Penguin.

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